Excellent accessibility due to bus line 730 in 200 m, Station Sulzbachstraße .
U - Bahn 73 and 83 , tram 709 , 730 bus , taxi station Burgsmüller Straße / Staufenplatz .
Public transport - traffic information on the Internet at : vrr.de (
Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr ).
Walkway to Staufenplatz 10 minutes ( 2 bus stops ) , through the beautiful East Park .
Downtown 15 minutes .
Airport 20 minutes
Hauptbahnhof 20 minutes .
Fair about 25 minutes . directly by Bus 730 bus from Sulzbachstraße .
Clinics 10 minutes .
Metro Shopping Center 10 min.
The Highway A3 and A46 are within easy reach.